Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

More Lilies

Well,  same ones , more blooming.  It’s a joy to look at them.  At least 3 feet high. So I played with a new background.     And the friend who gave them is bringing another dinner…she’s trying to fatten me up with good stuff. 2nd extra :  Randi and Dick ended up eating her dinner with us…. We had a great time!  
Had my small walk just as those atmospheric river rains were starting…predicted here for the next few days.   Didn’t seem that much today.

Had a chatty zoom with H’s brother and sister in law (extra..see the lilies?) )  and H went to pick up a last load from Eric’s house for the dump.  They are out of there today…Had to get a locksmith to deal with new front door locks, 8 am on a sunday.  Bittersweet for sure. 

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