just be

By justbe

Chippie, wetting his whistle.

I thought this was precious, pity it's not Tongue out Tuesday!

I went to a beautiful memorial service this morning for a woman who was buried quickly during Covid. Today her daughter orchestrated a lovely celebration. My mother went to college with Sophy and they taught at an elementary school together for many years. Sophy was an identical twin. She and Francis were icons in this small town, two lovely, kind women. Sophy made it to 98, Frances to 91, it was nearly impossible to tell them apart. The church bells tolled 98 times on this bright sunny day. We gathered together after for a slide show of the girls,  growing up in the 1920s to the 2000s. You can see my favorite photos in the extra. The refreshments were homemade cookies from Sophy's family recipes. Cookies my mum and grandmothers always made, we rarely had store bought cookies.

For the Record,
This day came in bright and sunny, a gorgeous June day.

All hands loving the weather.

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