
By Wanderers13

Flass Vale, Durham

Flass means 'bog'. We are staying with friends who live near Durham city centre and a few minutes walk from Flass Vale, a woodland and wetland area some of which is a nature and wild life reserve covering about five hectacres. The land is now owned by Durham CC and managed by The Friends of Flass Vale. There is a volunteer task force who work two mornings a week managing the area, our friend is a keen worker and supporter of the vale.

Part of their plan is to maintain the footpaths, manage the growth of the plants and trees, hedge laying, plant an orchard and stream cleaning. Various records are taken of butterfly, moth, bee, wasp and flies and the local bird club give advise about bird boxes. All are on going projects. Other groups from the community take part in the work and children come along to play, learn and help.

We spent the morning wandering around the city, the sky was blue and live music was playing on the streets. Later we sat eating freshly made scones, with cream and strawberries, drinking Pimms and shouting for Andy.

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