
By carliewired

61 F/ 16 C

An event to share
with friends - everyone loves a 
cuppa with goodies


I had to wait on my photos today. My daughter and I had tickets for "High Tea" at Haney Park in Salmon Arm. We'd invited two friends as well and we picked them up on the way. It made a merry group. 

The tea was billed as the 13th annual tea. How I missed the first twelve, I will never know. 

The park is a delightful collection of buildings brought in from areas in and around Salmon Arm. The tea was set up on the broad lawn between the old school house and the church. Tables were grouped under cover just in case it rained (and it did!) There was entertainment in the form of music, a fashion show and story telling. The entire endeavour was managed by a big team of talented volunteers. 

On the drive back home, we decided that we would have dinner at my favourite asian restaurant in Kamloops. We made a great foursome and enjoyed our time together. 

My daughter and I came home with it still raining. I'm making it an early night. 

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