A time for everything

By turnx3

Sidney Lanier Bridge

Sunday 19 May
Last leg of our journey today, just 3 1/2 hours to Jekyll Island. We weren’t in a rush to get there though, since we couldn’t check in before 3pm. I snapped this shot as we were coming down from the Sidney Lanier bridge over the Brunswick river, showing the marshland beyond. Georgia only has a little over a hundred miles of coastline, yet due to its low coastal elevation and high tidal range, salt marsh habitat covers a large amount of area along the coast - an estimated one third of all the salt marshes on the entire east coast. Jekyll is one of four barrier islands, referred to as the Golden Isles, St. Simon’s Island, Sea Island and Little Saint Simons Island being the other three.
Having arrived at the campground and set up the camper, we thought we would go for a bike ride - Jenny wasn’t due to arrive for another couple of hours. We were just about to set out when we noticed that the wind was picking up, and the clouds were looking darker. We checked the radar on our weather app, and could see we were in for a storm - so that idea got shelved! Jen arrived about 7 pm, and got her small tent set up next to our camper, while I was fixing dinner. Then we all had a relatively early night.

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