Living my dream

By Mima


Yesterday's cheese is air drying for the next few days. The aim is for it develop a dry rind, then I will put it into a vacuum pack in the cheese fridge. Before I cut and eat it in a few months' time I will air dry it again, because I like a distinct rind on my cheeses. It looks good. A Lancashire weighing in at 1.2kg.

It is watched over by my Dad and the teddybear I made at primary school. 

I picked the final 13 beetroot today. All of them were pingpong ball sized and will become a salad with ricotta, raw onion and chopped parsley.

It has been a bird day. A pair of Tui were back Chez Mima, blasting out their sometimes beauitful and sometimes broken call from the macrocarpa trees. I caught glimpses of them as they fluttered from branch to branch.

Then while I was on the phone mid-afternoon I happened to look up at the moment a New Zealand Falcon wafted directly overhead. It was a real treat: such a rare bird. And it confirms that there is a resident pair in the rocky outcrops above the village. It headed directly for the cliffs, although I couldn't see it landing without my binoculars.

Other than that I have read my book for much of the day; continuing to look after my hamstring. I'll be off to the library tomorrow to restock the fast-moving supplies.

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