The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Flaming June

Sunshine! Wall to wall sunshine. Though not all is good up the road - the daughter’s plumbing (I mean her house plumbing) has blocked up and nothing is draining away. The s-i-l was in a tizzy and asked if he could come for a shower with small boy (daughter being out at ballet lessons with minky). I thought he meant for small boy. It was for himself! I mean, do grown ups need to wash more often than weekly? Maybe he hadn’t washed since last Saturday, of course. Before long the daughter arrived and we had a good natter and sit on the beach with small boy awhile.
Then off up town to the Meadows Festival. What a great day for it. And there was MrT and Wendy at their stall, right next to Pauline’s Genealogical Society. It was genuinely so very warm that I’d so go and take a seat on the grass. Conveniently close to the music stage. And beer tent. 

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