By greengirl

empty nest

We had time to sit in the sun this morning and chat over our morning coffee and I sewed up a big rip in Luke's favourite jeans.The dogs ran around, not knowing that soon they would be in a train or a bus for several hours. Some last minute packing got done and then we all piled into two cars. I took Joe home and D took Sarah and Chris to the station.

D, Luke and Maria had a sauna together while I did my aqua class and then L and M left for Edinburgh.

D and I came home to a very quiet house. We did several loads of washing - such great weather for drying sheets and towels! I did some gardening and took this photo of song thrush eggs while the mother bird was off the nest. It's in the middle of a climbing hydrangea and I was careful not to disturb it, so not a brilliant photo, but exciting to see those beautiful blue eggs:

"Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush          
Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring          

The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;" GMH

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