For the family

By RonaMac

Preparing to move

The wardrobe, not us!!! 

A cloudy dry day, grateful that I persevered with the gardening yesterday. Today I started on the storage job. We planned to utilise an existing wardrobe unit in our bedroom when we moved, then when we were ready, move it to my sewing room for the storage of all my sewing stuff. I didn’t expect things to take this long, but yesterday the new bedroom storage was ordered. Today I started to empty the old units and check through our clothes. The contents of these shelves are now on the spare bed waiting for the sort out. I’m not good at parting with clothes, so have far more than I need. 

R is full of the cold and not feeling too good. We went round to see her as she is heading overseas tomorrow to work for a couple of weeks. I hope that she is Ok and copes. 

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