I Witness

By KangaZu

Mono Monday: Week 541 ...

... sporty.

When I first read that today's MM theme was "sporty" my first thought was a sporty sports car!  But then I read further and saw that "sporty" meant anything to do with sports!

And then this morning I learned that today is World Bicycle Day ... perfect for the MM theme.  After working on yesterday's pictures I looked through my many props for a bicycle ... which I knew I had.  

This is not what I had intended when I put the bicycle out though!  It was meant for a squirrel and/or chipmunk!  But you just can't predict what the wildlife will do ... can you!?!  This little Carolina wren just had to check it out.  Blip done.  Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Mono Monday this month.   Please have a look full screen.

For obvious reasons I'm not an avid cyclist but Richard and I do have a tandem bike that we take out for a spin on occasion ... although it's been many years since we have done so.  Maybe it's time to get it off the garage wall and out on the street.  

I'm not a big sports person but I do enjoy watching (American) football in the fall/winter months and baseball during the summer/fall months.  

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