Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3444. Orchid - BackBlip

Forgot again to upload my photo yesterday….again…..I’m just hopeless….
Chiropractor first thing then a walk into town followed by a trip to the dentist for a 90 minute session for a filling!  It was horrible…not painful…just really uncomfortable.  My dentist is lovely and so careful plus he knows how much I hate getting any dental treatment!
Once my mouth felt a bit more normal I managed a bite for lunch then waited for my hubby who also had a filling, but his was a bit more straightforward. 
We then popped over to a neighbours for a drink to celebrate his 70th birthday which was lovely.
My youngest did his first day in his new job and all seemed to go well and it was a relief that he got everything ready for it!

I spotted this beautiful orchid at the chiropractor’s office and thought it would make a good Blip…shame I completely forgot to upload it!

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