St. Martin's Churchyard, Ryarsh

I have been wondering why so many churches where we live are not located in the centre of a village. Apparently, a lot of churches built in Anglo-Saxon or early Norman times were built by landowners for themselves and their tenants (i.e. the farmers of their land) and so were situated near the landowner's house or estate rather than the centre of the nearest village. 
Today's church is a case in point. This church was down a long single track road quite a way from the centre of the village. What I like about churchyards near where I live is that they are never uniform, everything is on a tilt, an angle or a slant due to the age of the gravestones, the crooked ornate metalwork and the way the ground has settled over the centuries. The extra, "After The Fire", is a wider view of one corner of the churchyard.
Just want to add another photographer that is definitely worth a look - William Gedney. I had never heard of him before reading the Geoff Dyer book I'm currently reading. It was only after his death (he died in 1989) that his work gained momentum and became much more recognised. His Kentucky series featuring the Cornett family is particularly wonderful.

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