This is the day

By wrencottage

Bumble Bee

I drove Smithers to the dentist’s this morning for his six-month check up, and all was fine. Later I walked up to the Atrium to check on the card stand, which would have been looking very bare in my section, if some kind person hadn’t moved some cards from another card maker’s section to fill the gaps. I haven’t had time to make any cards since well before the wedding, but I need to get moving now to make up for all the ones I sold while we were away.

I didn’t manage to get any photos while I was out, despite taking my camera with me to the Atrium. Thus today’s photo was once again taken in the back garden. This bumble bee was sitting motionless on the nepeta and didn’t move the whole time I was standing watching him. 

I shall shortly be popping over to our middle son’s house to deliver a container of roasted parsnips to go with the rest of the food our daughter-in-law has prepared for our granddaughters’ tea. (Their microwave is in use, but not the proper oven yet, but parsnips are a particular favourite so Granny’s oven is helping out.) 

I’ll be transporting the food in a round plastic vacuum-sealed tureen with a stainless steel lining. It is one of a set of three which I bought when my late mother needed my ‘meals on wheels’ service. These containers keep the food hot and are easy to carry because they have a handle on the lid. I’m finding it quite emotional to be using them again after all these years. 

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