Everyday Life

By Julez

Silly Goose!

My Blip choices today were this, a pink rose or a shot of the entrance to the market taken from the first floor of the Waterside Centre. This won for its novelty value!

It has been one of those days where everything I set out to do had first steps that caused me to be distracted and therefore everything took ages. For example I saved a link yesterday for a Website I wanted to use again. I could not find it! I ended up going through all my saved links and deleting most of them - some of them were for sites that no longer existed. I also ended up deleting a lot of saved photos to free up storage as I was prompted to do by Google!

I had mail to send (Which led to a sorting out of envelopes!) and I walked into town to get a birthday card for my Mum which I have also posted. I will visit and take her a present later this month.

Another job I had to do was vacuuming - I did everywhere except the stairs which I get Brian to do as I don't seem to have enough hands to vac whilst making sure that neither the machine nor I fall down the stairs!

We are still waiting for our rugby tickets for the Challenge Cup final. This is a concern as we had a post delivery today and they were not in it. We do not get deliveries every day though it is usually two in a row - hopefully it will be tomorrow...

Brian got to see the practice nurse yesterday and has been prescribed a short course of antibiotics, so hopefully they will see off the chest infection.

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