Roll With It

By Falmike

D Day 80 - First Day

Trebah Military Day, held every year during the first weekend in June, this year a special day.
On the 1st June 1944 the U.S 29th Infantry Division embarked at Trebah and other points in and around Falmouth and sailed for their forming up positions around the Isle of Wight. The 29th Infantry Division was destined for Omaha Beach and suffered horrendous casualties, more than the other beaches put together.
So today Veterans and representatives of the three Services and other organisations gathered at Trebah, in the garden and on the beach, to remember all those who have lost their lives in conflict but in particular those who landed on D Day.
The sun shone, we were entertained by the Pipe Band and a 40’s style singer, we ate pasty’s and cream teas and enjoyed each others company. It was a long day - wouldn’t have missed it though.
I waited until the pavements had cooled sufficiently before taking Paddy for his walk in the evening, we both enjoyed it, Paddy more so I think, some time off the lead to race around and burn off that excess energy.

Little bit of packing but not much.

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