Life through the lens...

By ValC

Burnby Hall Gardens.

We were lucky today as it stayed dry( until lunchtime) for our coach trip to Burnby Hall Gardens, Pocklington. 
No sun but warmish. 
As it was market day my friend and I started with a walk into the town. One or two items purchased by J. Love the town as it is full of individual shops. Had a look in the Age Concern shop ( quite appropriate!) The window was so nice we hadn't realised it was a charity shop. I saw a gorgeous pair of shoes. Looked like new only £8.50 unfortunately they didn't fit.

Then back for a walk round the lakes and Gardens. They really are beautiful. 
The lakes are full of carp and roach. A feeding frenzy when they see food!
Also over 100 varieties of Hardy waterlilies which were just coming into flower.

Just before lunch it started raining and boy did it come down!
Glad a marquee had been put up for us.
We all enjoyed a delicious selection of sandwiches followed by cakes and plenty of tea and coffee. 
Lots of chat and laughter before it was a quick look in the shop before we got back on the coach.

What a great day out. All the members of Sit and Keep Fit enjoyed it. Many had not been before. 
It really is a " jewel in Yorkshire's crown".
All thanks to Percy and Katharine Stewart who created the gardens back in the early 20th century, and were given to the people of Pocklington on their deaths.

Extra photos made into a collage.

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