
By cyclops

United Flightmare

I was supposed out of Edinburgh at 13:50.  We didn't actually set off until.20:36.  A mere 6 1/2 hours late.  Our plane had a fault.  They diagnosed it midafternoon and got the required part on a flight from Heathrow to Edinburgh, which then developed a fault and had to.go back.  Then when the plane was repaired and all passengers loaded, there were no baggage handlers to load the last bags.  So we sat for another hour before the gate staff (some in heels!l) came out on to the tarmac and loaded the bags themselves.  Cue applause from passengers.

We arrived in Newark at about 23:00, some 4 hours after my connecting flight.  I managed to switch my flight to next day from Edinburgh and was assured that the service desk at Newark would get me a Hotel for my unplanned overnight stay.  I am sure they would have, had there been any.  Just as I got to the desk they shut up shop and put out a QR code for anyone needing help.

This led to an online system where I got into a chat with an operator twice, and got cut off before getting anywhere each time.   Eventually I gave up and booked an airport hotel myself.

When I got there, two of the three people in front of me in line to check in got into complicated arguments with the lone staff member over reward points and room upgrades they believed they were entitled to.  Another half hour gone.

SonI got to bed late and in the wrong city.

Irritating, but never mind...

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