A time for everything

By turnx3

Kayaking in the marsh

Thursday 23 May
An active day today - cycling in the morning on the island, (see extra collage), then in the afternoon heading to the mainland to join a kayak trip. Our cycle ride took us through the historic district again, and I took a photograph of another of the “cottages”, Hollybourne Cottage, built in 1890 by Club member Charles Stewart Maurice, as a retreat for him and his wife and their nine children! Maurice was a prominent road and railway bridge designer and builder across the country.
It was a very hot day, and I was a bit concerned about being out in the open on the kayak for a couple of hours.However, some clouds moved in and helped it feel a bit cooler. There were the three of us plus another four ladies on the tour. I had been hoping for a tandem kayak, so I was more free to take photographs, but it was a single kayak, and not only that, but it had a rudder, which means you have foot pedals to operate as well, which I wasn’t accustomed to. When we kayaked on Lake Superior last year we had a tandem kayak with a rudder, but R was operating the pedals.
Fortunately, at least a couple of the other four ladies were in the same situation, and actually I got used to it faster than I thought. Our guide was most informative, pointing out the different wildlife - birds, a number of dolphins and a small stingray. My thumbnail photo of the three of us was taken by our guide, and then he shared it with us afterwards.
In the evening we went out for dinner, rather than leaving it until our last night, a Friday night.

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