
By pandammonium

Sun and clouds

I’ve dealing with the most irritating bureaucratic system since last Tuesday. Today, I finally got what I wanted done with a reasonable conclusion. Such frustration was surely not a necessary part of the process?!

I drove through the rain to Ely library to return the village signs book – no fine for me! – and to take it out again. I stayed for a couple of hours until I got kicked out – because it was closing time, not because I was causing mayhem! I’m reading through the draft typescript of a writer friend.

Back at home, I got ready for running group, and headed out into the drizzle. The rain eased off after a while, and even the chilly wind died down, so it wasn’t too unpleasant after all.

I ran the whole way, except for an enforced stop, which makes me happy: I’m too keen to walk for a while when I don’t need to. I am better running with someone who is slightly better and faster than me than with someone who is slower and even more keen to stop.

The thing I like most about running group is running with someone else and having a conversation with them, which mostly distracts me from the running aspect.

On the way home, the sun came out, illuminating everything against the ominous clouds opposite. The contrast was beautiful. I took a few photos of different things showing the contrast; the photos showed my favourite.

The village sign book is missing Welney’s village sign. Perhaps I need to see if I can get a commission for a second edition!

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