I am camera

By Martinski

Flowers on the roadside verge.

I haven't a clue what they are but I'm proud that I got them in focus. (The blooms were quite small.) I had a wee adventure earlier on.
      I did a wee Tesco shop,  and when I’d got my stuff, there were only two tills in operation. (I don’t use the machines since one of them said: “Unexpected idiot in the bagging area.”) In front of me were two women with loaded trolleys. Then I heard a call for more cashiers. As I spotted a new cashier sliding into  position, an employee  said, ‘Next in  the queue for till 11 please.” It clearly wasn’t me but like a good striker, seeing a gap in the opposing defence, I was already there. I got a dirty look for that. Was I bothered? Not a jot.


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