By Yorkshirebred


The Bus Pass Walkers planned a trip over to Hebden Bridge today.  No pilates so we were joined by LD again. 3 buses caught - all well synchronised. Sadly our first usual coffee stop at the station was closed - horrors!  Never mind, we walked along the river and then back along the canal, and it rained most of the way. It struck.me how green everywhere was, but not surprising I suppose with the number of warm days and heavy downpours we have had. So took these photos in 2 directions along the canal as there were reflections as well as greenery. Went to a new to us cafe for lunch - The Excited Goat! Lovely sandwich with bacon, goats cheese and apricot jam - very nice too! 3 buses home for 2 of us, whilst P & L decided not to wait for the 3rd bus and walked back up to the village.  With a bit of a wait until the next bus B & I went for another coffee instead of waiting in the rain! :-))

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