
By Cigs

Between Bridge St and Tumbles Car Park, Portobello

L-R: A damp patch, Sainsbury's carrier bag (contents unconfirmed) and Cigs.

With AmBioran off overseas, it fell to another blipper to unearth today's offering. Nautical leviathan and blip legend Pensioner sent me a cheeky wee WhatsApp - presumably whilst stocking up on vintage rum ahead of his perilous boaty adventures. 

After I'd unearthed some untruths in Sighthill, and then a few e mails, a dog walk around the Meadows with added bonus of Annalene and her new puppy Sunny (short for Sunshine as he is a little ray of sunshine) and the making and consuming of macaroni cheese, I took the scenic route home to bring you today's Cigs find.

Another of the pale coral / peach ones of which I thought were confined to Seafield around the Cat & Dog Home. Just goes to show, eh?

Only 202 shopping days til Christmas. Cigsmas

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