Choose Joy

By Energia

It is not Thursday

It is not Thursday. Do not put out the garbage. Ok, take the garbage back in.

It rained today so I didn’t put the shoe out but it is all set to go with candy and pens. 

Russian gas company Gazprom commissioned a report that shows it will take eons before they recover. The Financial Times said the report indicated they wouldn’t recover until 2035. I will repeat my prediction and take it further. By the time they think they will have recovered it will be too late because the market for gas will be so low. The report showed China will not offset the losses from losing Europe as a customer. The pipeline that was supposed to go to China will not save Russia. China negotiated substantially lower prices than Europe paid. No one has agreed on how the pipeline would even be created and paid for. The pipeline is absolutely essential to Gazprom. It is just a backup plan for the Chinese. 

Last year they had their first loss in nearly 25 years of nearly $7 billion. Sanctions mean they don’t have the technology such as turbines that move gas through pipelines or the spare parts to maintain them.

Ukraine said Russia lost over 100 pieces of “special equipment” last night. Special equipment includes electronic warfare systems and radars, as well as engineering equipment like mine-clearing vehicles, and equipment to maintain other equipment. 

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