
By TheOttawacker

New month, new outlook, and a glorious day to boot

Thank you for the comments on my last post – I suppose I should clarify that I was merely in awe at how you all manage to keep your posts entertaining when I feel like my own are exercises in repetition. It’s true that the record of events is a useful tool to have. Although, when I am faced with the banality of the past month, I am not completely sure I want to relive any of it again, regardless of the sparkling nature of the prose.

Saturday is very much another day at the coal face for me at the moment. I managed to get a couple of thousand words translated and, much to my surprise, also managed to almost get my desk cleared. Instead of working in a bunker with only just enough space for my keyboard, I can now see clear space on either side of my hands. And I also found my mouse, which I am sure will be useful should I ever need to use the cursor.

Anyway, it was a beautiful, glorious late Spring day, so Ottawacker Jr., his week-long illness now just a memory, managed to go out and do various things. When he came back, he was out of breath and a little bit “chesty” – so we are seriously considering not letting him play in the club “Icebreaker” tournament tomorrow. As you might imagine, this did not go down too well. So, we’ll play it by ear.

Am a little bit sick of being a fat bastard, so have decided that next week I shall do something about it. I’ve been on the wagon for about three-and-a-half weeks now, and so am feeling rather pleased with myself. However, I have successfully replaced alcohol with sugar (or more precisely chocolate), so the pounds are not falling away as quickly as I thought they might. The blubber might be, however, rearranging itself. So, I need a circuit breaker – and Mrs. Ottawacker is just the person to put it in place for me.

I’ll also make a better stab at recording my day-to-day experiences. And if you get bored, just remember it is your own fault.

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