Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Common Spotted, I believe, and in fact I've never seen so many of them in one place - the place being the Yew Hill Butterfly Reserve, a very small area on the opposite side of Winchester from the butterfly reserve I usually go to.

Of course I'd gone for the butterflies this afternoon, but never really got started.  I got snaffled by an elderly conservationist who wanted to tell me in great detail about climate change, nearby planned house-building, dog-walkers, grazing for conservation - you name it, he just needed to talk and when I finally got away he stomped off in the other direction and somehow managed to circle right round and catch me again.  Oh boy!!

So here is one for WFW24_10 and a thoroughly exhausted blipper still with supper to cook!  If you'll forgive me, I'm turning off my comments just for tonight, to give myself an early night.  Huge apologies, but I will, of course, be looking at yours with great pleasure, and sprinkling stars and hearts.

Have a great evening (what's left of it)  xx

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