
By pensionspoet


Another lovely Thursday. You can’t beat a non work day - as I’m sure all my retired friends will agree on. Starting with a walk with Jon (so that I get my steps in - I aim for 6000) I then headed out at 8 to Lidl. Home just after 9 for breakfast and to put away the shopping, before joining fellow singers in East Runton village hall where we sing. There are always lots of laughs, as well as happy tuneful voices.

After a quick chat I drove to the airport park and ride where I caught the bus in to Norwich for a date with James my work friend, who I basically don’t see any more. We went to The Forum where we had pizza and chatted. The weather was nicer than it had been in the morning, in the north of the county.

We had a bit of a wander before parting ways. I walked back down to Anglia Square to catch my bus.

Had a chat to mum on my way home. Sadly, yesterday we received the news that my godmother passed away this week. So I feel quite sad, but I have very fond memories from my childhood of dinner parties she threw in the 1970s when she lived in Barnet. As children we played with her children, and her many animals. We always corresponded at Christmas so my thoughts are with her family. RIP Rosemary.

I made 2 fancy tote bags tonight. I just have to add handles. Will do more at the weekend, as I’m on a mission to use up my fabric and make as much as I can for a craft fair in July, and possibly beyond.

This weekend will hopefully be a productive one…but I must squeeze in some writing too. Always busy :-) well, you only get one go at life, don’t you? I have a lot to fit into mine!

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