horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Otterly Wild

Bit of excitement for the morning… Mel spotted an otter heading towards one of the barns. I managed to get some shots that showed it was a wee bit battered, a little confused, and very tired.

Curled up asleep for a couple of hours we took turns to watch over to see if this was a job for @official_scottishspca but I’d come to the conclusion it was likely one of last year’s young that has been kicked out to fend for itself and make way for the new brood, and was just a bit disorientated by it all and has been caught out in the daylight.

Went to get a couple of trail cams to see where it would go, but the two hours kip seems to have done the job and it had gone (made sure not towards the chickens!).

Jasper was intrigued, but just watched from a distance. Freya is always more bold and went up for some sniffs (showing just how tired and out of it the otter was).

EDIT: This shot was actually from the day before. For some reason blip put it in here, but I'll just leave it as is, because I didn't get anything as worthwhile today!

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