
By Pinkhairedlady

Bearnock lodge

Dropped Phin at daycare first thing then it was time to get showered and load the car. We seem to be taking a huge amount of stuff for 4 nights away but as some of it is food and drink related, we should have less to bring back!

We met our son and daughter in law at Ingilston park and ride so we could hand Henry back. It was a lovely sunny day again but we found enough shade so that Henry didn’t overheat. He was very excited to see them both.

We stopped at Kinross services for a sandwich lunch and after a pitstop in Aviemore for Mr PHL to buy a lightweight top for walking in and another pitstop in Inverness we made it to the lodge just before 6.

Our friends Stuart and Linda are hosting 40plus friends over the coming week. We are split into two groups and they had planned to use Tuesday as a changeover day with no others around but there are around 10 of us now staying over on that night as 2 new couples can only make it midweek.

The house itself is lovely, the rooms are spacious and the beds look comfortable but it is a little under equipped with cups, crockery, cutlery and pots large enough to cook for us all. Fortunately there is a plentiful supply of wine glasses. Tonight there will be 24 of us split over the main house, a lodge, a garage apartment and Linda’s sister staying in their camper van.

We were all in place by 7 and ready for a delicious dinner by 8. Stuart had brought some rather tasty curries with him and after a bit of rummaging (the house has 2 kitchens), we found enough trays and pans to heat it all up.

After washing up, we relaxed in the living room until I called it a night just after midnight.

Backblipped Friday 7th.

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