Everyday Life

By Julez


Poppies are not the easiest thing to photograph on such a blowy day as today has been. I tried a few times on my way to and from work and this is the least worst of a pretty ropey bunch.

Work was not too hectic today, just steady. Touch wood, all the customers we have are pretty decent. It's very rare we have people being awkward how we used to in the chippy.

After work I went to Tesco to pick up a present for my Mum so I can take it when I next visit. I also bought a bottle of a spicy sauce we have on the van that I tried and liked today. It's called Fried Chicken sauce but I checked that it doesn't contain any chicken product. It will taste just as good on veggie food I'm sure!

I'm glad to be home now, chilling on the sofa with Minstrel.

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