
By Incredibish

Aerodynamics and Grim Determination

This ladybird was enjoying (for a given value of enjoyment) the gusty winds this morning; holding tight to the daisy as it flicked back and forth at the whim of the elements of air...

Today was a tale of three parts. Just before we left for North Wales the pressurised pond filter decided to irreparably spring a leak, and today I fitted the replacement. Driving to Devon the other week I hit a pothole and unknowingly lost a wheel trim, and today Mollie has a lovely new set of shiny trims that make her look oh so much more expensive. And if you remember (or did I not admit it) while I was camping in Brecon I face planted my electric bass, and today I was most thankful to get it back from the guitar tech with nice new strings and perfect intonation.

Reasons to be cheerful; one, two, three.

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