
By maureen6002

Eglwys Bach y Mor

Our return home is via another site that’s been on our list for some time - St Cwyfan’s church. Although this tiny church may be said to be the most recognisable church on Anglesey, it’s only in recent years since I’ve been following the work of local photographers that I even knew it existed. 

This ‘little church of the sea’ dates back to the C13 and was built on the Cribanau  - now a tiny rocky island but once a peninsula which explains why the church occupies such a precarious position. Over the years, the sea eroded the land, leaving the church isolated until a rocky causeway was built to enable worshipers to cross. The causeway still exists, though it does get covered by the rising tide. 

Getting to there is our first problem, satnav initially taking us to the wrong location, then we find ourselves stuck on a single track road while two Open Reach vans try to sort our some line fault - we use it as an opportunity to for lunch! Eventually, the job is finished and with some careful manoeuvres into fields etc, we all manage to continue in the direction we wish to travel (there are cars coming on the opposite direction too) 

From a photographic standpoint, it would be better if the tide was in, and beautiful shots can be had at sunset when the sea is calm. But as it is, we’re able to walk across the sand and rocks to reach the causeway and climb the steps along the sea wall to the whitewashed little church sitting on the greenest grass and looking out to sea. 

And so it is our all too brief adventure comes to an end; we head home with memories backed by mountains of photographic evidence which now needs editing - a job for the weekend, together with catching up with journals! 

Thanks for following along and for your lovely comments, hearts and stars. 

Some information on the little church can be found below:

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