
By MarilynParker

Friday frolics

Woke way too early and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up. Tried to have a nap on the settee after a brew - no joy. Put the washing on and it was all pegged out a good while before we went shopping. Tesco was not as busy as usual.
Washing was all dried when we'd got home and put the shopping away. The weather has picked up some now but although it's warmer, it's still pretty breezy. Suits me this weather though - not too hot.
I was sitting on the Jack & Jill bench under the parasol, having a brew and chatting to my daughter on the phone. When i finished the brew I took my cup in and headed back to the seat - had left my reading specs on (do it all the time and no idea why) and consequently I tripped over the planter and went sprawling across the bench! I was just glad to have finished the brew or I'd probably have been wearing it. I am so clumsy if I forget to take the readers off while walking - I don't suppose it helps if you are also talking on the phone!
Had a nap late afternoon and felt better for it.

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