Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Tolmeia menziesii

A recent post by Ceridwen prompted me to check the state of a local colony that I found eight years ago.

Tolmeia menziesii, the piggyback plant, or mother-of-thousands, is native to the northwest of the USA.  It was introduced to the UK in 1826 as a garden plant and it was first reported in the wild in 1928.  Since then, it has become troublesome in a few areas by smothering native plants.  It thrives in damp/wet woodland near rivers and reservoirs.  Reproduction is largely vegetative, forming large mats of a monoculture.

I can report that the local colony is stable, having neither extended its range nor receded.  That is probably because it has already covered all the suitable wet woodland habitat.

My main blip shows an individual flower spike and my 'extra' shows part of the colony in its environment.

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