Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Dad's Book

It hasn’t been abandoned….I spent awhile today gathering things and learning a few he applied for a patent for some adjustable stilts!     Had a zoom with my 2 old friends..and only a short nap, but we are getting ready to go to the island on sunday, after much hemming and hawing…….hopefully for longer than the last time.  I’m sleeping a lot better, can use some quiet time after this busy week so hopefully it will be OK and H can happily dig for his septic pipes!

Could not find Dad's Pratt diploma but made a page anyway..with this very old photo…..My friend today remembered his workshop in the basement and some of his creations but not all the pin ups…wish I had photos!

I did find the Coast Guard guarding Lake Michigan in WWll..MY Dad is 3rd from left. extra.

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