
By HeartFreek

Quite appropriate

Whilst working in the studio, I suddenly realized which T towel I was working on. Although I'm not sure about that date....

I called the Dr today. I have had the most awful, chesty cough for 2 weeks now since that temperature I had to 2 says. I thought I was starting to get better but today I felt quite rough. Short of breath, pain in my chest, bubbly cough and a headache. 

The Dr called me back and wanted to see me today but bring Friday I didn't have the car so I have an appointment for Monday morning. I told her about my pneumonia and sepsis over 10 years ago. Secretly terrified I might get that again! Mr W has been very worried about me so hopefully he will reassured once I've seen the GP on Monday. 

Obviously nothing compared to all those brave men and women from over 80 years ago. Xxx

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