electric glass

By electricglass

Katie the Bruiser.

First thing after a nap and aaadeee (that me in her language) has his camera in her face.

This little bundle of joy has been sick all week. She's had some goopey eyes. That and still getting down the whole, walking thing, makes life a bit rough. She was playing with her sisters and got a hula-hoop between the eyes too. For even more bruising and scrapes.

I have had this image in my head of her with her all week. So I had to do it today. I was torn on which version of her to use. They were all great.

For the textures I used all items that make up her harsh world. The hula-hoop in some rocks, stone stairs, cross crack in sidewalk, scratches on little plastic chairs that are fun to climb up but not so fun to fall off of.

It's funny looking at all this stuff thinking how mundane it is to most. But to a 1 year old it's some amazing and dangerous stuff.

Thanks for checking out my journal and all you americans have a safe and fun holiday weekend! (everyone else can have a safe and fun weekend too!)

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