
By Ridgeback13


What a slow start to the day! A was very tired…I think she got in about 2am but she’d done well not to have a hangover so although she was tired she was ok. She took Paisley out to the garden and I made her some pancakes and bacon, and as we were finishing up Ad came through. He’s working 12 hour shifts at the Hearts stadium at the moment and having no luck finding a flat for his last year at uni, so at least I made sure he had a plateful of pancakes and bacon before he set off for another day.
A then went back to bed and I did my hair then browsed the book festival brochure to try and choose some things to see.
Walked down to Old College to see the newly emptied lawn now that the student encampment has finally moved away. Couldn’t see much as security had the place locked down (and there will need to be some new grass sown).
After Paisley had another play in the garden A and I headed down to Porty for a walk along the beach. It wasn’t as cold as recently, but still very windy, and at least it was mainly sunny and we had a good dose of fresh sea air which we probably both needed. We didn’t envy those dashing between the mobile sauna and the sea mind you!
A had a fish finger sandwich from Shrimpwreck and I picked up some shopping from the supermarket then we came home and she packed her car up and went home with Paisley. I did some mad bed making and sorting out ready for my niece Z and her partner T coming up and had some supper before they arrived later this evening.

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