secret garden

By freespiral


A big day out - my annual meeting with Prof Eric and his students from Kutztown University, Pennsylvania. Looking remarkably similar to last year but an easier access to St Abán's shrine with no potential bull drama or copious amounts of mud and nettles! We also walked the pilgrimage path to St Gobnait's Well - a mile through dense oak and beech forest in silence with just the birds (thrush, wren, blackcap, robin) in full throat. The students were a delightful group - for most of them it was their first trip outside of America. They thought the people in Ireland were kinder and the food healthier! Wells they pronounced as awesome and then they packed away large lunches in the Mill Inn - I have never seen such a massive pile of Bantry Bay mussels as V consumed -  excellent apparently!
A good bit of entente cordiale and I'm now wrecked and they're off to Killarney next - I must say their programme is excellent and I wouldn't mind doing it myself. They started in Northern Ireland about two weeks ago and will end up on the Aran Islands in about a week's time. 
Photo courtesy of Tony the minibus driver who accompanied us on the trip and was enthralled - I am a very interesting woman apparently.

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