Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Herb Patties..

… Thanks (and all hail) to lovely Nigel (Slater).
He did warn that these patties might need some persuasion to bind. But, I wasn’t expecting such a wayward (rebellious even) disposition in the pan.
They emitted such a tempting waft of herbs and garlic, they were forgiven.
He said, ‘eat them in a bun with sliced tomatoes and good mayo’.
I wouldn’t usually argue with Nigel but given the carbs already consumed today, I opted to leave the bun and go for hearty salad.

We had a really lovely day.
We took a young relative out to coffee/lunch.
I am now considerably more well informed about computer games than I ever dreamed I could be.
They are not ‘invented’. (‘What?! Do you imagine someone goes into a LAB??!’).
They are ‘developed’.
Well! They are clearly developed by some beautiful and intricate minds.

Don’t you sometimes want to just wrap up the special people in silk and cotton wool and keep them safe forever?

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