A day in the life

By Shelling


We're looking at seven days of cooler weather with showers and gusty winds, June can be like that but there are alway other things to do than to sit in the sun all day.

Most of today has been a music-day, playing pieces that I want to record in the next few days. Nothing that will meet an audience, just for my own pleasure of having nice recordings of things I've played in concerts lately, Dowland for instance.

I've just come home from a delightful evening with friends in Skogsby, where I used to live. We had a small group of neighbours that used to meet up for no particular reason, other than have a cup of coffee or a dinner together. Even though I've moved from the neighbourhood, I'm often invited whenever there is some cause for a gathering, this time the reason being that a former neighbour, who moved to the northern parts of Sweden came to visit us. L&K prepared a delicious meal for us and the evening was easily chatted away. These meetings are among the treasures of life and I feel grateful to be a part of it.
As I was leaving I found my blip in the window of our dining room, a stuffed bird (I think) as a silhouette against the rainy summer night outside.

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