
By Ferjen


These lovely big poppies self seeded and we have been waiting for them to flower for days now.  They are very pretty.  

I dragged myself out of bed today and went for a walk/run.  I did 6kms and I did manage to run for about half of that, walking for a few mins and then jogging for a few mins. It felt good.  I then walked eldest to gymnastics via my friends house so we could walk together.  I walked home the long way and by the time I got home I had to drive back to get her!  

Back home with a plan to do housework but a school mum friend popped by to drop B home from a playdate and ended up coming in with the children to play and for a cuppa, so ended up chatting with her all afternoon. 

Extra is my sisters new kitten! I popped round to meet her last night but had already uploaded my blop before I went. She is adorable. 

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