
By Teasel

Setting Sun

A busy day at work, but I felt in control today – as my diary had no meetings in it, and I didn’t have too many interruptions.  That meant I could power through a load of stuff that has been hanging over me for a couple of weeks, like writing up end year reviews. 
I popped out at lunchtime to pick up a pair of sandals that I had ordered,  in the hope that the weather turns into sandal weather sometime soon.  It was a lovely day, but with a really cold wind, which seems to be persisting. 
There was no real TS chat in the office today.  A different group of colleagues were in today and they were on the same wave length as me – in that TS has really passed us by!  I also overhead someone from another team, asking her colleagues in a very loud voice, “what on earth is D-day anyway?”  I’m sure she could have googled and found out!
After work I was persuaded to go to the pub with a couple of colleagues – which I rarely do.  There were only four of us, and although I had only gone for one quick drink, I ended up staying for a couple more and then ran off to catch my bus home.  I hadn’t noticed we were not on the usual route home, as I was reading my book. When I looked up we were en route to Musselburgh as it turns out that the A1 was closed, so my journey home took in the sights of East Lothian.  I was pleased that TT had saved me some tea, as I was starving. 
Ever dedicated to my step count, I then popped out for a late night walk!
This is a view over the Forth tonight on my way home – taken from the bus.

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