David J. Rose

By djrose007

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! (and Ants!)

I know there are wild boar, deer, foxes, badgers, etc. in the Forest of Dean but I'd never heard of bears being there.
On the way from Gloucester to Ross-on-Wye I spotted this bear just off the road. I stopped, on the way back, to take a photograph.
It's very lifelike but carved in a tree trunk.
The other one is what I found when I decided to get rid of the Barley that is growing in one of our flower pots. It's very attractive but I don't want it seeding even more so it has to go.
When I picked it up the pot came with it and I uncovered a nest of ants with many, many, eggs. There was a mad scramble to move the eggs so I put the pot back in, minus the barley. Hope I didn't disturb them too much!

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