
By Anaisabel

El Chante

As soon as we got to the lake house, I was looking for doña Lupe, she is about 93 years old and still going up and down the stairs and teaching her great grandchildren how to manage the convenience store. I literally looked up at the balcony where she was watering her potted plants. I called her name, happy to see her and she said she would come downstairs to great us. We talk about the days when my mom (RIP) and her used to seat outside and have long conversations about life and family. She is very kind and we always have to go say hi/bye to her, she gives me nice strong hugs. We always take a selfie but this time hubby took the photo. The other photo I took just before bedtime, looking at the ceiling of our room, it’s really peaceful and relaxing to be here.

The extra is a selfie with my sisters and our respective hubbies ;-)

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