Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Rain Rain Go Away

Today I ran a few errands after I went to the eye doctor (&found out I have astigmatism now, grr).
I went to phototech to get my Polaroid camera all fixed up. Then I was going to head uptown to have a nice picnic with Ethan before watching the rehearsal of She Kills Monsters, a show That Random Company is putting up (which is comprised of my friends).

The rain saw to those plans. When it let up a bit I tried running to the train to no avail because while running across the street my sandal broke. I hobbled to the sidewalk barefoot on one foot. In retrospect it was hilarious, but in the moment... not so much.

Ethan came to my rescue and I was able to buy new sandals (I made sure they were extra durable) and continued with my day. This week is turning out to be quite interesting.

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