
By Kernow


Son Andy popped in to see this morning then we all went off to meet with Bern and Jan at the local coffee shop. 

As were leaving this immaculate 1967 Triumph TR4A pulled into the parking space next to ours. I couldn't resist having a chat with the owner who'd acquired the car in 1983 and had restored every nut and bolt, see also the first extra. Not only was that impressive but a very fine Porsche reversed in next to his and it turns out it was his wife! And he's also got a Lamborghini, of course.

On another day I might have blipped the squirrel in the other extra. We get them very occasionally in the garden but never this close, particularly as I was sat by the french doors. It looked like it was trying to find a hiding place for whatever it was carrying in its mouth.

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