
By NCDWarks

Deep Roots

You don't grow a tree without planting a seed first, and that is exactly how faith in God works.

The seed which started my faith was an Alpha Course, where I learned about some of the evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and what it meant to be a Christian. My head was won over by this, but sadly not my heart. I became a false convert, a tare among the wheat.

Fast forward a few years and that seed was watered with more evidence, a short documentary about Mount Sinai, showing the alter Moses built and the scorched top of the mountain. The story had far more truth to it than I ever knew.

Last year, what it meant to be a follower of Christ really hit home, with vivid images in sharp focus flooding my mind. Images of the crucifixion. Silent, but graphic and detailed. The problem was, as the nails were being driven into my Lord's wrists, it was me wielding the hammer.

I'd always heard that Jesus died for my sins to be forgiven, but it never took root in such a way until this happened. And now there is no uprooting my faith in what Jesus did for me.

They are planted in the house of the Lord;
they flourish in the courts of our God.

Psalm 92:13 ESV

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