The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


A day of hair pulling! A few bits to upload for the camera club AV before my hols which took a lot longer than they needed to. I had to put the car seat back together for the wee one which also took a lot longer than it needed to. Meanwhile Center Parcs rang with the bad news that the lodge we’ve booked is going to be out of action so they’d have to move us…good news is I think they’ve upgraded us and we’re much closer to all the facilities!

 Had to pop over to Berwick this afternoon to look after the wee one so MC could go shopping…he was still a very forlorn little chap but he cuddled in and went to sleep for an hour and woke up feeling hungry and much brighter. I’m still touching wood he hasn’t passed it onto anyone else.

Still got some packing to do and have a shower tonight, then a bit of hoovering and plant watering in the morning. Still got a few ants in the kitchen but I’m not sure if they’re coming in or are “locked” in and trying to get out, hopefully they won’t multiply whilst I’m gone.

A quick walk along the prom when I got home then I’ve been to see Mum tonight before handing the car over to the boys.

You’re never far from a denched car in Berwick, no one knows how to circumnavigate a roundabout here…I’d hate to see them driving in a city! Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday.

Blipping may be sporadic this week, we are supposed to have WiFi but not sure how good it will be.

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