A Cycling Granny

By acyclinggranny

Here's the Sun

Woke to rain.  I thought the Walking group would head off to a cafe, but NO, the sun came out, so they walked from Camphill Road to Lake Hawea, a total distance of 10 k's.  In the meantime I joined Piano Lady and The Tuner for a Cuppa and Scone at a local cafe.  It is always great to catch up with them.  On my way there these 2 cyclists rode past, they were going so slow that I thought they would fall off!!

In the afternoon we met the others (16 all up) for a cuppa and cake at Three Parks.  Good to hear of their adventures.

 I was on the school run this afternoon, and now it is time now to sit in front of the fire, and put my feet up.

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