While on my runs

By waipushrink

Pouwhenua at Akoranga

I misjudged the weather this morning. It was not as rainy as I expected; indeed there was no rain in Auckland. Also it was warmer than expected (17 degrees).

When I got off the bus in Anzac Avenue, I somehow managed to get my woolen 'hoody' into my bag to carry it up to the unit as it was too warm to wear it and it wasn't raining.

Time to get down to Beach Road for the bus. and I carefully packed everything and headed off. Two thirds of the way down Centennial Walkway I realised that I had left my mobile behind. A rapid walk back to collect and then back to the route to the bus stop. 

Hot and bothered and a bit puffed, but I made it it to the bus stop before the bus which was a couple of minutes late. So no photo on the way.

I decided to repeat the blip from a month ago, as that one was very blurred. Quite pleased with this which is okay even at full screen

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